A kitchen doesn't happen overnight, it takes weeks of planning and research to discover your style and what will work best in you home. Let us help you a little bit along the way! Love the look of something in our kitchen and want the deets? We're listing it all below! If there's something you want ...
Kitchen Update: Progress Revealed On The Major Changes We’ve Made!
Today’s the day! Kitchen Update Reveal Day! When we first moved into this house, we could see it all; the walls gone, that tiny brown kitchen a thing of the past. But even in my wildest dreams, we never imagined how open and inviting our kitchen would end up being. We’re so excited to show ...
Our Main Floor: The Master Plan
Call it over confidence, call it too much HGTV, but we came into this house FIRED UP. Let’s first talk about what this house looked like when we started. The house is big, but it was also tight and compartmentalized. Like most traditional homes, there was a Family Room AND Living Room, a ...